Andy's Travelogues

I'm writing Andy's travelogues with a slight delay of a couple of years. In my memories, I like to return to places where I spent some time and experienced a lot. It's like experiencing it all over again. But this time you can be there with me.

Andy’s travelogues and unprecedented stories are patiently waiting to happen, for you to delve into them…



Chill Walks - video walking tours

New Chill Walks project

In France, according to current surveys, the most common career wish is to be a lawyer. In the Czech Republic, he is said to be a YouTuber. So I went for it too. After all, everything should to be tried 😀

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Marseille, France

After 3 days in Marseille, France

First impressions are said to be the most important and also the easiest to collect. Later, when a person gets used to the environment around him, it is not easy to recognize what it was like in the beginning.

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I am entering Moroccan soil for the first time in my life on May 4, 2019. Exactly 3 days before Ramadan begins here. What is Ramadan (you can find it in Chapter 15, what all happened and how I discovered the secrets of Africa and Morocco for the first time, you will learn in the following stories. Traveling through Morocco begins with chapter No. 12, the previous chapters describe the journey from Prague to the south of Spain.

More stories from the trip to Morocco are currently being prepared.
However, if you are impatient, you can look at photo gallery or at Instagram.

From Prague

to Morocco

In the following stories, you will find a described journey on a motorcycle from Prague to the south of Spain, from where I moved to Morocco. The journey to the south of Spain started on April 16, 2019 in Prague and took almost 3 weeks.

If you are only interested in Morocco itself, scroll a little higher.

Dangerous Bogota, the drug kingpin whose name is unpronounceable,
jungle coffee plantations and toucans.

Home 1

Colombia Chapter 1

I'm skipping a month in Costa Rica and 10 months in Mexico and diving straight into writing about Colombia. Welcome to Bogotá!

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Kolumbie Guatape - Andyho Cestopisy

Colombia Chapter 3

From Medellín I move to Guatape, supposedly the most colourful village in the world. I buy a ticket at the main station in Medellín and look for a bus.

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Home 2

Colombia Chapter 4

Cartagena is a historic and very popular city with tourists and travellers alike. This brings with it a lot of positives and negatives and a lot depends on what part of the city you are... and I wasn't exactly in the right one.

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From the south to the north of Cuba. Tobacco plantations, old carts, piñacoladas, scam artists and ficulas.

Santiago de Cuba - Kuba - Andyho Cestopisy

Cuba chapter 1

Arriving in Cuba and an Italian mass murderer as a benefactor Now that I think back in my mind what kind of cars drive in Cuba, I am surprised by the successful transfer from the Dominican Republic to Cuba by a plane of Cuban...

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Santiago de Cuba - Kuba - Andyho Cestopisy

Cuba chapter 2

We wake up in Cuba, stuff our bellies with a huge breakfast and head downtown. Our casa particular (private accommodation) is from...

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Trinidad - Kuba - Andyho Cestopisy

Cuba chapter 3

Trinidad Magnet for tourists, God knows why... A beautiful January day, perfect for sweating your soul out on the bus. But this time we're opting for the night tour and saving on accommodation. Most travellers from Santiago de Cuba...

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Cienfuegos Kuba - Andyho Cestopisy

Cuba chapter 4

Cienfuegos is on our way, it appears in a couple of guidebooks so we have no reason not to stop here for one night. After much anticipation from Trinidad, we arrive in Cienfuegos with absolutely no expectations and that always pays off.

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First time out of Europe and straight into the lion’s den. Shotguns, waterfalls, straws, horses and Christopher Columbus…

Dominikánská republika - Andyho Cestopisy

Dominican Republic Chapter 1

The dull sound of the plane landing confirmed that the pilot was a seasoned professional and had not forgotten to pull the landing gear. Surviving for 12 hours in the bowels of hundreds of tons of steel? Done! But what's next for us once we arrive in the Dominican Republic?...

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Dominikánská republika - Andyho Cestopisy

Dominican Republic Chapter 3

Remember that scene from Police Academy with the Blue Oyster Bar? When within seconds, the cops realize they're in a place where they're not supposed to be and that it's...

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More Andy's

Stories from Morocco – currently are continuously created and published

What is still waiting to be processed:

Stories from Mexico
Stories from Costa Rica
Stories from Belize
Stories from Peru
Stories from Argentina
Stories from Brazil
Stories from Thailand
Stories from Malaysia
Stories from Singapore
Stories from Indonesia
Stories from Borneo
Stories from Vietnam
Stories from China
Stories from Nepal
Stories from Phillipines

Yay… there’s a lot to look forward to!