Colombia 2016 - Andy's Travelogues


40 days in Colombia

At the end of November 2016, I embarked on a 40-day journey to Colombia, a country with a powerful story of transformation. I was eager to discover its vibrant culture, stunning natural beauty, and resilient people.

My first encounter with Colombia’s unique wildlife came in the form of a toucan, perched proudly on a branch in the lush Amazon rainforest. I was awestruck by its vibrant plumage and piercing call, a reminder of the country’s rich biodiversity.

In Medellín, I experienced the city’s transformation firsthand. I met locals who were passionate about rebuilding their community after a dark past. I also had the opportunity to go to slam neighborhood with a Kazakh man I was introduced by my Colombian friend. It was an interesting experience, and a great way to learn more about Colombian culture.

From Medellín, I traveled to Guatapé, a charming village nestled in the Colombian mountains. I was captivated by the lake panorama, with its emerald waters and lush green hills. I also enjoyed a game of wheel of fortune with a group of drunken Swedes, a night to remember!

No trip to Colombia would be complete without exploring its stunning coast. I spent some time snorkeling in Tayrona National Park.

On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, I found myself on the beach in the company of a group of crazy Argentine women. We danced the night away under the stars, celebrating the start of a new year in a truly unforgettable way.

My 40 days in Colombia were a whirlwind of adventure, discovery, and connection. I was inspired by the country’s resilience and its people’s warm hospitality. I left Colombia with a deep appreciation for its unique culture, stunning natural beauty, and vibrant spirit.

Colombia and Andy

Destinations visited

  • Bogota, big city, dangerous (11 days, just 5)
  • Medellín, big city, moderately dangerous (6 days)
  • Guatape, supposedly the most colorful village in the world, safe (3 days, 4 -5 days would definitely be better )
  • Cartagena, larger city by the sea with ugly beaches and a beautiful historic center, where it’s relatively safe (5 days, 3 is enough)
  • Santa Marta, a town by the sea, relatively safe (1 day)
  • Minca – a village in the mountains, great for hiking and bird and nature watching, absolutely safe (4 days, 5-6 would be better)
  • Taganga– fishing village in a bay, good for snorkeling, relatively safe (11 days, 1 month would be better)

Basic overview of Colombia

Language Spanish

Money Colombian Peso (COP), 10,000 Pesos is approximately 80 Cdn. I have mBank and I haven’t found a single ATM in Colombia where I don’t have to pay the 10,000 Pesos fee.

The capital, Bogota, has a population of approximately 8 million.

Colombia has a total population of approximately 47 million

Year the trip took place
2016 – 2017

Length of stay 40 days between late November 2016 and early January 2017

Details on weather, outlets, mobile operators, price differences between Colombia and the Czech Republic, beer prices, etc. You can find here:

More information at Cestolet (English)

More information for digital nomads at Nomadlist (English)