Across Mexico on a motorbike - Andy's Travelogues

Across Mexico on a motorcycle

Interactive map and photo gallery

In parallel with the preparation of articles about Cuba, 2 new pages related to my current trip across Mexico on a motorcycle appeared on the website.

One is an interactive map, where you can see the course of the journey and at the marked points there are photos from individual places . The second page is only photo gallery for those who don’t want to kneel to death 🙂

I’m a little over half way there so far, so both pages will continue to be updated and content will be added.

Currently, the unrest in Oaxaca and Chiapas complicates my next route. There are large demonstrations and the Mexican army is shooting at teachers who are protesting against their low status, salary, etc. The dead are already counted in the tens. Driving through town, whistling to the sky and pretending I’m just passing by might not be the best plan.

Update: I made it through Veracruz and Lake Catemaco to San Cristobal de las Casas in the state of Chiapas (I had to pass Protestants through a blocked town, but no problem) and spent just under a month there. Then I continued to the sea to the city of Puerto Escondido – the state of Oaxaca and I should stay here also for less than a month. I also overcame other roadblocks along the way, but nothing to stop me. In some places, I came across really beautiful places, views above the clouds, lakes, plains surrounded by mountains, etc. It often took my breath away.